Pop-up kuhinja PIA još jednom je prepoznata od strane stručne javnosti koja je ovom prilikom ukazala na ekološki aspekt naše kompaktne kuhinje. PIA je nagrađeno prestižnom Green Product Award nagradom za 2016. godinu u kategoriji Selection čime je ušla u uži izbor proizvoda čije karakteristike odgovaraju suvremenim ekološkim zahtjevima i standardima. Nezanemarive uštede u vidu životnog prostora i utrošene energije tako su osim ekonomske računice potvrđene i sa ekološkog aspekta što svjedoči našoj posvećenosti razvoju proizvoda koji udovoljavaju tržišnim zahtjevima poštujući pritom i širu, opće društvenu odgovornost spram zajednice i okoline. Pop-up kuhinja PIA biti će izložena u okviru proizvoda nagrađenih Green Product Award priznanjem na Stockholmskom „Furniture and Light“ sajmu u periodu od 9. – 13. veljače 2016.
Pop-up kitchen PIA has once again been recognized by the professional community, which on this occasion pointed out the environmental aspect of our compact kitchen. PIA has been awarded with the prestigious Green Product Award for 2016 in the Selection category, by which it was shortlisted with products whose characteristics correspond to modern environmental requirements and standards. Benefits of significant savings in the form of living space and energy conservation are not only limited to economic context but also extend to ecological aspect. This demonstrates our commitment to developing products that meet market demands while respecting the broader, social responsibility towards the community and the environment. Pop-up kitchen PIA will be exhibited as part of the product awarded Green Product Award recognition at the Stockholm "Furniture and Light" exhibition in the period 9 to 13 February 2016.